Author Topic: Recruitment - WoW Classic  (Read 6735 times)


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Recruitment - WoW Classic
« on: August 06, 2019, 08:59:09 pm »
Welcome to the recruitment pages of Held Hostile. As happy as we are that you have chosen to apply to our humble guild, we are also sorry to notify you that unless your class is on the "needed classes list" below, you may be in for a long wait getting a formal yes/no, since all the officers of the guild also have other engagements.

While being a friendly guild Held Hostile is not a perpetual charity event. Your usefulness to us largely dictates if you may join us or not. However, having gear is no guarantee, we have several times chosen candidates with less gear but better attitude over players with good gear and a bad attitude. Spend a lot of effort on your application, use your best English and let your personality shine through. Your application is the face we see when we decide if you should be contacted or not. Incomplete applications will not be answered, be sure to address all questions in this topic.

Best of luck!

Recruitment Officer
Held Hostile
« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 05:36:44 pm by DeAurion »


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Re: Recruitment - WoW Classic
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2019, 01:36:29 am »
Frequently asked questions:

Do I need to be level 60?
No, but 55+ is probably a good idea. But by all means, apply when ever you feel ready.

I played with you in Vanilla, 15 years ago, do I get invited automatically now?
If e.g. DeAurion or Grillspett remember you, of course! Unless you were one of the few we kicked out. Then we would need to see some evidence of major personal growth first.


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Re: Recruitment - WoW Classic
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2019, 01:42:57 am »
We are currently recruiting the following classes and roles in Wow Classic. You need to be on the server Bloodfang.

Currently looking for:

« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 05:12:17 pm by DeAurion »