Author Topic: World of Warcraft - Classic  (Read 11749 times)


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World of Warcraft - Classic
« on: August 06, 2019, 07:34:08 pm »
Dear friends and complete strangers,
HeldHostile will make an effort to revive for WoW Classic. Following the server-detail-reveals the weekend of 10/11th of August we will pick a server and announce here on the forums and in the "main game" GMOTD.

On the 12th (night to 13th) playing members are encouraged to log on and reserve their names.

Blizzard post: LINK


Classic Discussion

Character name reservation for WoW Classic opens next week on August 12 at 22:00 GMT / August 13 at 00:00 CEST. Players with an active subscription or game time on their World of Warcraft account will be able to create up to three characters per WoW account and have the name(s) reserved before WoW Classic releases worldwide on August 26 at 22:00 GMT / August 27 at 00:00 CEST.

We will release details regarding realm names and realm types later this week so you can coordinate with your friends on where to begin your adventure. If there are high numbers of players congregating on individual realms during the name reservation/character creation process, we will post warnings about the potential for long queues on those realms, giving you time to choose alternate realms. Also please note: Character creation will be limited to only one faction per realm on PvP realms.

After release, the number of WoW Classic character that can be created per WoW game account will change to the following limits:

A maximum of 10 characters per WoW Classic realm.
A maximum of 50 characters across all WoW Classic realms in your region.
Only one faction per realm on PvP realms.
There is no overlap regarding character limits with World of Warcraft, so if you have 50 characters in Battle for Azeroth you can create 50 more characters in WoW Classic.

WoW Classic’s worldwide release is almost here so it’s time to get started organizing and planning your path to level 60!

of HeldHostile
« Last Edit: August 11, 2019, 11:22:58 pm by DeAurion »


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Re: World of Warcraft - Classic
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2019, 03:03:03 pm »
Server/Realm Announcements: Blizzard Post

English Language servers:

GehennasPVPEnglish<-- We will play here

Check this one: Nordic
In order to avoid "Spain-breaker" or simmilar - we will check this site to see where the "Nordic" community ends up.

Apparently Nordic Classic decided for Shazzrah, so Shazzrah it is!

Update 3:
Blizzard thought perhaps 80 000 players might be too much per server.. so they added one more. Gehennas. Apparently Nordic Classic decided to move, we will wait a bit and see what happens to the populations. So far we stay on Shazzrah.

Update 4:
There is a new Blizzard post begging us to move to Gehennas - So we will! Blizzard is promising queues of vastly longer than 10 000 players at launch, so we had better move. These sections from the blue post is key:

There are a lot of players currently on Shazzrah and we want Gehennas to fill up before we open any new PvP realms.

Please also note that our realm population estimates of Low, Medium, High, and Full are based on this increased capacity (referring to layering/sharding) – a Medium realm today already has more characters on it than even the most crowded realms did back in 2006.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2019, 05:27:56 pm by DeAurion »


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Re: World of Warcraft - Classic
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2019, 02:08:15 pm »
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 03:40:40 pm by DeAurion »